i saw a video the other day on someones blog about the fixie kids finding out about cyclocross. The video was super funny and very true as far as where i'm sitting. We've had a lot of kids that were/are into the fixed thing in the shop the past two months quizing me about CX.
I thought the video really was funny, but really, i think it's a good thing that the kids are finding CX, it's the most fun racing ever, and we can always use more people at the races, new faces, people trying to get into it and figure this thing out. Hopefully it will stick with them and they'll get into it for the long haul and progress, try and move up in the ranks. i'm all for anyone trying CX out and getting stoked on it, it's definetly the most fun race scene going, and always the most welcoming.
So, i say, bring it on, the more people involved in the cx scene the better, plus i'd way rather work on CX bikes at the shop than fixies! (not that i don't like working on those, just saying, cx bikes are the stuff).